Emergency contact details for flooding
September 2014
Flood Emergency Contacts
In the event of flooding, we recommend you contact the specified authorities involved in dealing with emergencies, which are generally as follows:
Responsibility: Co-ordinate the emergency services in a major flood incident and help with evacuation of people from their homes where it is necessary.
Contact: Dial 999 only in an emergency, dial 101 for non-emergency.
Fire & Rescue Service
Responsibility: Respond to all emergency incidents as required. Assist public with personnel and equipment where a need is identified.They may also pump out floodwater (Contact your local service to ask about this. There may be a charge for this service).
Contact: Dial 999 only in an emergency, dial 101 for non-emergency.
The Environment Agency (EA)
Responsibilities: Issues flood warnings for flooding from rivers, the sea and ground water and deals with emergency repairs and blockages on main rivers. The Environment Agency is responsible for building, maintaining and operating flood defences and for issuing flood warnings to the public, other flood responding organisations and the media.
Contact: Flood line 0845 988 1188 service and Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60. (You can listen to recorded flood warning information for your area or speak to an operator for advice 24 hours a day).
Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) Highways
Responsibilities:Places flood warning signs on roads, organises road closures and diversions and clears blockages on highway drainage systems.Work with the police, fire and rescue services and the Environment Agency to co-ordinate responses during severe flooding. Deal with road closures and disruption to social services. Investigate disruption caused by overflowing drains.
Contact: 0345 045 5200 (Option 3) or out of hours contact the police.
Anglian Water
Responsibilities:Deals with blocked main sewers, and investigates issues with overflowing sewers.
Contact: 03457 145 145
Sandbag distribution
In the event of flooding, some district councils do provide sandbags. However in most instances you may be required to buy your own sandbags, we recommend you check the appropriate district council website.
Fenland District Council
Fenland District Council does not issue sandbags to individual properties.
South Cambridgeshire District Council
In an emergency situation, this service can be accessed from 08:00hrs to 17:30hrs (Monday to Friday) by calling the contact centre on 03450 450 063.
Outside of these hours, calls should be made to the Environmental Health Duty Officer via their pager service on 01253 501055.
It is recommended that residents should take action to protect their own properties as much as possible.
East Cambridgeshire District Council
East Cambridgeshire does not issue sandbags, it is the responsibility of the householder to protect their property and belongings from floodwater.
Huntingdonshire District Council
The Council will only bring out sand bags to houses (not businesses) in imminent danger of flooding. The Council recommends householders to make their own arrangements in advance.
Cambridge City Council
The Council has a limited supply of sandbags which it will target at the most vulnerable. The Council recommends property owners or businesses at risk, should purchase empty sandbags and sand from builders’ merchants or DIY stores.