Earith Parish Council meets at Earith Recreation Field, Pavilion on the first Thursday of each month. All meetings are open to the public and start at 7.30pm.  Anyone wishing to attend the parish council meetings is very welcome.

The meeting includes an Open Forum for comments to be made by Earith residents. A 3 minute slot is normally allocated per person to allow all comments to be made and the Forum  lasts for 10 minutes. If you have a specific item that you wish to talk about then please contact the Clerk so that this item can be placed on the agenda for further discussion by the Council.

There is also an Annual Parish Meeting.  This meeting is hosted by the parish council but is specifically intended for parish residents to set the agenda ‘for the purpose of discussing parish affairs’ Local government Act 1972, para 1.

Parish Council agendas can be downloaded from this page along with the minutes of each meeting.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2024

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Meeting DateMeeting TypeAgendaMinutes
Thu 5th Dec, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download
Thu 7th Nov, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download
Thu 3rd Oct, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 5th Sep, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 1st Aug, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 4th Jul, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 6th Jun, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 2nd May, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 18th Apr, 2024Annual Parish Meeting Download Download
Thu 4th Apr, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 7th Mar, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 1st Feb, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Thu 4th Jan, 2024Parish Council Meeting Download Download